


Xionghu Luo

Senior R&D Engineer, TencentOS Operating System

Tencent compiler senior engineer, participated in the GCC open source community compiler in the back-end implementation and performance optimisation, joined Tencent in 2022 to engage in compilation optimization, compilation acceleration and TencentOS system performance optimization and other work. In WeChat video number and Tencent advertising and other important business scenarios, he has completed the compilation optimisation solution and compilation acceleration, which has achieved more than 10% reduction in CPU load and time consumption and corresponding QPS improvement, and the scale of the landings has reached millions of cores; based on the compilation optimisation, he has improved the basic performance of the TencentOS system, and solved the performance problems of some important basic packages of TecentOS.


Compilation Acceleration: Distributed PGO and Distributed LTO based on GCC

Introduces the implementation of distributed LTO and PGO compilation acceleration based on GCC. Mainly includes how to implement LTO distributed compilation and profile-generate and profile-use distributed compilation on GCC, as well as typical scenarios.